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Why can the Vietnamese dominate the NAIL industry in the US?

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13 November, 2023

Why can the Vietnamese dominate the NAILS industry in the US?

The Nail Industry is currently attracting a lot of attention due to its versatility, appealing to various people without age or gender constraints. Consequently, the Nail sector is emerging as a new trend in the workforce, particularly in the United States. Upon closer observation, it’s noticeable that some of the hottest nail salons in the U.S. are owned or originated by Vietnamese people. So, why are Vietnamese individuals able to ‘dominate’ the nails industry in the US? Explore the insights in the article below.

The occupation that does not discriminate against anyone

In the US, anyone can start with this profession. Old or young, boys or girls, as long as they have a passion to learn and start with this profession. For example:

Mr. Linh Huynh, was a driver in HCM. Since being invited by relatives to come to the US to work in a nail salon, he has been working hard for 10 hours a day and 6 days a week. Thanks to his hard work, he has opened his own nail salon in Kendall.

Moreover, in California or South Florida, there are many Vietnamese and Vietnamese-origin people who are famous for doing nails and supporting their families. According to a survey, up to 40% of nail technicians in the US are of Vietnamese origin. Through this number, we can also see how Vietnamese people have an advantage in the nail industry.

High demand for beauty in nails industry in the US

It is not difficult to see the image of American teenage girls with beautiful and impressive nails. One of the most famous images on social media is rapper Cardi B – a rapper who is always associated with sophisticated and unique nails. Regardless of age or gender, people in the land of the stars and stripes always have a great passion for nails.

With such high demand, customers will flock to nail salons, creating stable customer traffic. Because nails must constantly change, and no one does nails only once in their life.

If you want to develop and earn good revenue, you need to have high skills and be able to do many different styles. The more creative you are, the more customers you attract. That is why this is an ideal choice for Vietnamese immigrants here.

HIGH income in nails industry in the US

This is probably the reason why many people have to agree. The increasing beauty demand means that there will be more customers, and more customers mean more money for nail salons. Therefore, it can be affirmed that this is a job with a fairly good income, and this partly depends on your skills. The more high-end nail salons you work in, the higher your income and tips will be.

According to many statistics in the US, the income of nail technicians in the US can be up to $5,000 per month – this is not a small number, and to increase this figure over time, you need to invest seriously in this career.

A survey conducted in the US showed that “up to 40% of nail technicians are of Vietnamese origin and their average income is about $3,000. 35% of people have higher incomes, around $3,500-$4,000 per month”. This is not a small number and is an ideal job to support life.

It can be said that this is also one of the high-income jobs for you.

nails industry in the us
The attraction from this industry is undeniable

Nail training in the US is not really booming

Everyone knows that nail is extremely developed in the US, but there are almost no formal training schools in the US. On the contrary, in Vietnam, there are many places that specialize in training in this profession.

To become a nail technician in the US, you also need certain qualifications, requiring you to meet the conditions for practicing by the State Board. Regulations will also vary depending on the state and the number of hours you study.

With the limitations as you have seen, nail training in the US is not really developing, which is why nail technicians from Vietnam to the land of the stars and stripes have quite good skills, are trained systematically, and are an ideal labor source. Moreover, they can also teach others, and earn extra income.

Therefore, “nail” in the US is compared to the “empire” of Vietnamese people.

Career development

At first, Vietnamese immigrants here would often choose to work in large, reputable nail salons for a few years to accumulate capital and experience. Then depending on their financial ability and needs, many people will choose to separate, open their own nail salon, and ensure business conditions such as having a vocational certificate, ensuring enough years of work, etc. However, many people will return to their home country and reunite with their families. Nevertheless, this is also an attractive environment for those who intend to stay in the US for a long time.

With large nail salons located in prime locations and many customers, including famous people, a revenue of over $10,000 is normal. From there, they can open not only one but a series of different Nail Salons under their own brand, developing their careers in the US.


Overall, the success of Vietnamese people in the NAILS industry in the US is a result of their relentless efforts and progressive spirit in their work.

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Phone number: 888-508-8772 | 832-230-4294


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